Wed, 21 August 2019
So MO Game Con 2019 has come and gone and we are all a bit tired. On top of all that, Matt is about to transform into the legendary Hella Dad! Before that, Rich, Matt and special guest Andy sit down for one more VGS before our extended break. We review MO Game Con, talk Genesis Mini, upcoming holiday game releases, get into some emails, and more. Stay tuned to the Facebook page for updates on when we'll be recording again. |
Wed, 7 August 2019
Yes, MO Game Con has come and gone, and frankly, it was a bit of a blur. Thankfully there is evidence of it happening in the form of the VGS episode recorded at the live panel. Join the crew of Rich, Addy, Kurt, Matt, Bob and other special guests as we discuss the Rooster Teeth First price hike, hold a video game town hall, get down with some ASMR, have the biggest cluster f*** grab bag, and much more. Thank you to all those that attended MO Game Con and the VGS panel.
Direct download: VGS_Show_580_8.3.19_Live_at_Mo_Game_Con_2019.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:16am CDT |