The Video Games Show
The Video Games Show (or VGS for short) is a weekly gaming and pop culture podcast hosted by Rich Bergin, Matt Gurley, Bob Friedel and Kurt Bowers Combining extensive knowledge and experience in gaming, movies, music, comics and pop culture, VGS will provide a comical look at all things and go off topic many, many times.

Well, after leaving it all on the ice with VGS 400, Rich, Kraft and Doc Brown throw a good ole fashion after party that has nothing to do with games.  Seriously, the Would You Rather is the only regular segment on this show.  Oh yeah, the gong died.  Listen now, repent later.

Direct download: VGS_After_Party_2013.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:43pm CDT

It's freakin' VGS 400!!!  No description needed, just listen!!!

Direct download: VGS_Show_400.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:19pm CDT

What better way to spend the last show before 400 than our favorite home away from home, a GameStop midnight launch.  Join in the fun with Rich and Kraft as we help count down to the midnight release of Injustice:Gods Among Us.  In addition to answering the random questions of people that didn't seem to understand we were recording a radio show, Kraft yells at douche-baggery, watching two different people get arrested in the parking lot across from our location, Rich drinks himself smarter, and all the other randomness that comes from doing a live show, we still manage to get in news, a review, and a live round of Would You Rather.  Enjoy as we count down to the epic 400th episode.  Listen now, repent later.  Sponsored by Nawgan Alertness Beverage (

Direct download: VGS_Show_399.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:13am CDT

Well, show 398 got a bit rowdy at times, but it was the good kinda rowdy, not the bad kind where you end up in a country bar brawl.  In addition to all the usual business, there was lots of interaction with the chatroom tonight (another reason to be there when we record live Monday nights), we talked about show 400 a bit, and even discussed some favorite moments from the past.  All this, plus Darklight13 (Happy Birthday Elizabeth) chimes in with some reviews and Peter Rothchild stops by the studio.  Listen now, repent later.

Direct download: VGS_Show_398.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:06am CDT

Just another crazy week in teh VGS world.  Our show almost gets taken over...almost.  As we brave through the usual show bits, we find out what really makes VGS GM Keith Robinson upset, Kraft exploits this information, and Rich works on his dream of being a strip club DJ.  What else can we say that hasn't been written on the restroom walls?  Stop playing Bioshock Infinite for like two hours and listen in.

Direct download: VGS_Show_397.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03pm CDT