Wed, 27 May 2009
It's news. It's reviews. It's your calls and emails. As Billy Mays would put it, it's another fantastic product called 'The Video Games Show'! We delve into the inner workings of pre-E3 game industry as well as talk about X-Men Origins: Wolverine as well as Punch-Out!
Wed, 20 May 2009
There is a story. About a video games show. That was hosted by two guys named Rich and Kraft. And this game show, it had some news now. About all that is good and all that is crap. (Sung to the tune of the Brady Bunch) The VGS, The VGS, its tons of fun right here on VGS!
Thu, 14 May 2009
Since id software released Wolfenstein 3D I have always had a special place in my heart for FPS's. This along with the highly anticipated nature of Huxley means that I can and will happily dedicate my time to playing the game as well as providing all of the feedback I can. I can think of no greater sense of accomplishment than helping make this game the best it can be.
Wed, 6 May 2009
Big week o' news as EA drops a bombshell regarding their profit margin, some games are delayed, some are bumped up the release ladder and apparently Homer Simpson is a Halo fan! Also we talk with our good friends at Tozai Games about their recently released Lode Runner for the XBLA. All this and more on this weeks Video Games Show!