Mon, 30 December 2013
Hope you had a wonderful holiday and received loads of gaming goodies. Kraft and Rich gather at the old home studio (aka Kraft's place) for a shortened episode of VGS. The boys talk the holidays, get to news and have some good times. I'm sure you are wondering what was going on with this episode if you didn't read the description before hand. Basically, this is VGS Unplugged, which basically means we didn't have time to do post production work due to very hectic schedules this week. So the options were either do what we did and get a show out at the usual time, or risk not having a show out until the end of the week, if not later. I think you will agree we made the right call. For now, have a fantastic New Year's and we'll see you back in the studio next week. |
Tue, 17 December 2013
ATTENTION!!! PLEASE READ BEFORE LISTENING!!! Okay, in case you didn't listen to last year's special, you need to go back and listen to that one first. Second, and more importantly, this episode is a Bombed Out episode, which means it is uncensored and unedited, so it is very not appropriate for children that shouldn't be hearing profanity and that may still believe in Santa Claus. You've been warned. Now listen and enjoy. Merry Christmas and Happy Bang Holidays from the crew at VGS!!! |
Mon, 9 December 2013
MURDER!!! Wanna know more? You need to listened the whole way down. So, the first 15 minutes are a cluster F of audio issues that are eventually fixed. Then Kraft, Rich, Keith and Ben from Well Bred Rhino play a bunch of mulitplayer games while riffing them as well as random talk about games. Rich then has a retro movie review that not only makes Kraft extremely happy, but sets off a powder keg in studio. You just need to hear this to believe it. |
Tue, 3 December 2013
Kraft and Keith are absent, Rich, Bongo and Big Josh are in as the VGS crew got...well...Lohan'd. What does that mean? You have to listen to find out. In addition to news and emails, we are introduced to the new Random Fact of the Week segment, Rich reviews The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Bongo reviews Call of Duty: Ghosts, and we even get time for a bit of Would You Rather. We apologize for the odd hum in in the background, which we will blame on poor studio wiring, but stick with it as this show gets a bit crazy in a good way. |
Tue, 26 November 2013
First off, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Please excuse the audio on this podcast as it was recorded on the Tascam in a moving car, so please don't freak out. Also, big thanks to Vomitron for providing the new return and closing music for this and our future shows. Now, onto the show itself. Kraft and Keith pile into Rich's car as we the crew sets out looking for game gems while hitting up all three V-Stock locations in the STL. Along the way they talk next (or now current) gen systems, retro gaming, Bongo interviews the folks at Asthree Studios, and we read out answers to the question of the week. Yes, it is a bit shorter than usual, but at least we got a show up. Again, Happy Thanksgiving and we will be back in studio next week. |
Mon, 18 November 2013
Who is Shirley? Heck if I know. Anyway, Kraft, Rich & Keith are back in studio for another big time fun show. We hit up news, reviews, emails, Would You Rather, and everything in between. Not much else to say, just listen. |
Mon, 11 November 2013
Kraft, Rich & Keith are joined this week by the folks at Simutronics to talk about their new Kickstarter campaign for Dragons of Elanthia. Be sure to go check out the page, which is linked at We also do news, a couple of games, and emails. Be sure to check out the show and then check out Dragons of Elanthia on Kickstarter. |
Tue, 5 November 2013
What can we say? It's another remote episode where we do news, Keith plays a game, Keith does his first review, emails, and Would You Rather. Oh yeah, and we had another amazing incident involving a moran that doesn't understand the concept of WE ARE RECORDING A F*ING SHOW YOU DOUCHE!!! Seriously, this is why we are not doing anymore remotes for a while. Anyway, listen and just keep saying "They're back in studio next week. They're back in studio next week. They're back in studio next week." |
Tue, 29 October 2013
I know this is a place for a description of the pod you're about to hear, but screw it, I'm using it for something else. To the three idiots that kept trying to ask us questions and make song requests while we were recording a show...WTF are you doing. It is painfully obvious we are doing a radio show and you should know enough not to bother people who are talking in a microphone. The best was the drunk a-hole that actually jumped onto my laptop and started looking through songs. If this happens next week, I'm gonna lay the Smackdown! Oh yeah, WWE 2K14 came out, along with Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and Battlefield 4. |
Mon, 21 October 2013
Wow, so there were five of us on the show, we had news, while we started the first ever Keith Plays Games bit. How far did Keith get in Punch-Out and Cyber Stadium Base Wars? You'll laugh and cry. He clearly ate lightning and crapped himself. We also had our question of the week segment and Would you Rather. All those and we find the origin of Glass Joe's 1 victory by KO on this week's VGS. |
Mon, 14 October 2013
Rich & Kraft are back for another week of VGS. After discovering that someone literally screwed with the soundboard and Kraft yelled at Rich for playing Cookie Clicker during the show, we got around to doing news, emails and Would You Rather with Bongo. Join us for another week with less whores and twerks than last week, but just as much fun. |
Mon, 7 October 2013
It is just like old times and Rich, Kraft, and Keith return to the studio for good times. Kraft and Rich keep screwing around with each others' news copies, we hit up emails, Would You Rather, and mock Keith. And yes, Bongo appears on the show. |
Mon, 30 September 2013
The theme is being alone as Rich tries something new...he hosts solo. Even though he nearly cries at one point, he manages to get through the news, Side Bar, emails and Would You Rather. Email topic of the week returns and is a major success. All this and more on this lonely man episode of VGS |
Mon, 23 September 2013
No time for a deep description here. Rich, Bongo & Big Josh do news, reviews, a new audio game, Would You Rather, and all kinds of fun. Plus Kraft supplies audio from the Game Jam. Listen now...right now!!! |
Tue, 17 September 2013
Another VGS live remote from GameStop has come and gone, mercifully no was left behind. Literally, everyone in the STL crew was there, including Rich, Kraft, Keith, Matt, and a special appearance by TSFSS' own Tiffany Axton. Join us as we countdown to the midnight hour and the launch of Grand Theft Auto V. Enjoy. |
Mon, 9 September 2013
Rants, reviews, special guests, insane news...words can do no justice. Just listen now. |
Tue, 27 August 2013
Rich is joined by Matt, The Nintendo Junkie, for a week of VGS craziness. We have a ton of news to cover thanks to Gamescom, we review 3 movies during the Side Bar, Rich has mutiple angry man rants (from a lack of mustard/ketchup to stupid practices of a business once praised, now damned), and Nick Kraftor (via the Chatroom) proclaims his super hero persona. Enjoy all the VGS goodness. |
Tue, 20 August 2013
Yeah, it was a rough night. I won't get into too many details except the sound board we used for the GameStop midnight launch had mulitple issues. That being said, a new board will be purchased before the next remote for the GTAV launch. I apologize for the audio quality as it is not up to par, but I felt it wouldn't be right to scrap the show, both for you the listeners and for special guest host Matt Rosen. Here it is...I'm sorry. |
Mon, 12 August 2013
Rich is joined by the one and only Big Josh Dick for another week of VGS greatness. Microsoft keeps flip-flopping, Sony brags, the ducks come home early, Rich & Josh fancy the same New Girl, and we wax poetically on the missing Kraft. All this, plus an extended Side Bar on this week's VGS. |
Mon, 5 August 2013
After a short break, VGS host Rich Bergin returns to the VGS studio for another episode of VGS. Joining Rich this week is guest host Bongo (Ron Brock) for all the madness. Listen in for what has to be the oddest story concerning Australia Ratings Board, along with all the major gaming headlines, a special review from Bongo, the intruction of the VGS Side Bar segment, emails, and Would You Rather. Sit down, listen, enjoy some rice. |
Thu, 25 July 2013
Last in studio episode before Kraft goes off to Austin. It's a great episode, just listen to it! Special thanks to Mr. Kraftor for everything. I know this isn't the last time he'll be on VGS, but it is still really hard to realize the man that has caused so much comedy inspiration and joy in my life won't be around in person anymore. Thank you for everything and best of luck in Austin. - Rich |
Mon, 15 July 2013
Back in full form tonight as Kraft and Rich rip through the news, take phone calls o-plenty, and still have time for emails and Would You Rather. BTW, we drop a potential bombshell on this week's episode. No hints, you'll have to listen. |
Mon, 8 July 2013
Shortened show this week due to a lack of news, lack of calls, lack of energy, and...oh yeah...It's National Play a Video Game Day today, so we cut out early. We'll be back for a full show next week. For now, enjoy this tiny episode of VGS. |
Mon, 1 July 2013
Wow, a VGS recorded on Canada Day and the chatroom was all a buzz about pro wrestling...hence the title. We had it all tonight, from news, emails, Would You Rather, listener calls, games, and a cross-over with The Geeked Out Podcast. Big shout out to Matt Roussin (Dumpstermonkey) for telling us all about SGC 2013 and Dave L for his listener review! Enjoy some back bacon, hosers!!! |
Mon, 24 June 2013
It's VGS Fight Night 2!!! Yes, the great debate between Team VGS vs. Team Geeked Out Podcast on the next-gen systems is on!!! Listen now...right now!!! |
Mon, 17 June 2013
Okay, so we took some heat for not properly covering E3, so this week we make up for that. Listen to our full E3 coverage, VGS style. Listen now, repent later. |
Mon, 10 June 2013
What can we say, we compain a whole lot on this episode. Microsoft continues to upset us with the Xbox One and their E3 press conference didn't make up for it. We talk a bit about E3 with our callers and review the OUYA. All this and the usual biz on this week's VGS. Note: This is part one of our E3 coverage, part two to follow next week. |
Mon, 3 June 2013
We're back at The U this week, which is great becauase we've had bad luck lately. Anyway, we hit you all up with news, Ask Big Josh, Would You Rather, and all the usual fun. Plus, we get heavy into Plants Vs. Zombies 2. Spoiler alert: It isn't what you expect. |
Mon, 27 May 2013
WARNING: This episode of VGS is UNCENSORED, do not play it around kids and those sensitive to profanity. You've been warned. You read it right, it is another On the Road episode of VGS, as well as a Bombed Out episode of VGS wrapped up in one. Since The U is closed for Memorial Day, Kraft & Rich hit the road and visit all three STL area V-Stocks because there is a sale and you know how much the VGS crew loves V-Stock. As we travel to each of the three stores, Kraft & Rich dive into all the news relating to the Xbox One, PS4, and Wii U as they try to figure out if any of the three are worth caring about. Enjoy.
Direct download: VGS_Show_403_-_On_the_Bombed_Out_Road.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm CDT |
Mon, 13 May 2013
Short episode this week due to Kraft being sick and having finals this week, but an episode nonetheless. Listen in for News, Emails, Would You Rather, and how Rich renders Kraft speechless. All this and more on this week's VGS. Listen now, repent later. |
Mon, 6 May 2013
Fill in the blank: This week's VGS can only be described as __________. We talked about latest pile of _____ Microsoft had to offer, as well as EA's latest _____ Sims game and other ________. We had reviews, Would You Rather, Emails and creamy ________. All this and more ______ on this week's VGS. Listen now ________, repent later. |
Mon, 29 April 2013
Well, after leaving it all on the ice with VGS 400, Rich, Kraft and Doc Brown throw a good ole fashion after party that has nothing to do with games. Seriously, the Would You Rather is the only regular segment on this show. Oh yeah, the gong died. Listen now, repent later. |
Mon, 22 April 2013
It's freakin' VGS 400!!! No description needed, just listen!!! |
Tue, 16 April 2013
What better way to spend the last show before 400 than our favorite home away from home, a GameStop midnight launch. Join in the fun with Rich and Kraft as we help count down to the midnight release of Injustice:Gods Among Us. In addition to answering the random questions of people that didn't seem to understand we were recording a radio show, Kraft yells at douche-baggery, watching two different people get arrested in the parking lot across from our location, Rich drinks himself smarter, and all the other randomness that comes from doing a live show, we still manage to get in news, a review, and a live round of Would You Rather. Enjoy as we count down to the epic 400th episode. Listen now, repent later. Sponsored by Nawgan Alertness Beverage ( |
Tue, 9 April 2013
Well, show 398 got a bit rowdy at times, but it was the good kinda rowdy, not the bad kind where you end up in a country bar brawl. In addition to all the usual business, there was lots of interaction with the chatroom tonight (another reason to be there when we record live Monday nights), we talked about show 400 a bit, and even discussed some favorite moments from the past. All this, plus Darklight13 (Happy Birthday Elizabeth) chimes in with some reviews and Peter Rothchild stops by the studio. Listen now, repent later. |
Mon, 1 April 2013
Just another crazy week in teh VGS world. Our show almost gets taken over...almost. As we brave through the usual show bits, we find out what really makes VGS GM Keith Robinson upset, Kraft exploits this information, and Rich works on his dream of being a strip club DJ. What else can we say that hasn't been written on the restroom walls? Stop playing Bioshock Infinite for like two hours and listen in. |
Tue, 26 March 2013
Even though we were unable to record in our usual studio and we were unable to record on the usual day, we did manage to get a show together this week. What seemed like would be a straight forward VGS episode (and it is for the most part) hit a speed bump in the middle of the episode in the form of Rich & Kraft vs Doc Brown in an unexpected debate/fight/battle royale. Even Rich had to do some bleeping when it was all said and done. Anyway, listen now, repent later. |
Mon, 18 March 2013
Just when you thought we had said everything that could possibly be said about SimCity, we find even more ways to rag on it. Come join us for all kinds of fun, including the normal news, listener reviews, emails, and Would You Rather. All this and we drop some details about show 400. Listen now, repent later. |
Wed, 13 March 2013
Sim-ageddon 2013: Kraft vs. Big Josh serves as the main event of what was dubbed VGS Fight Night. In addition to that, we have a hate fueled rant by Rich concerning a certain company that sells audio products and an early edition of Would You Rather. Find out who is the VGS Master Debater on this week's VGS. |
Mon, 4 March 2013
Dragons...and more on this week's VGS. We start out with an interview with Jeremiah Lee from Stupid Awesome Games, makers of Zombie House Blitz, then move into news, Ask Big Josh, emails, and close out with Would You Rather! Bow Chicka Boom Boom! |
Mon, 25 February 2013
Well, I hope you wanted to hear about the PS4 because that is about half the show. The other half is filled with other news, reviews, emails, the return of Ask Big Josh, and the ever popular Would Your Rather... game. So sit back, relax, and enjoy a big helping of VGS. |
Mon, 18 February 2013
After four years of Kraft writing the show description, someone else (Rich) is finally doing it. Makes sense since he was late getting here. Anyway, once he arrived we did our usual bit of news, had many reviews and wrapped with our new favorite sagment, Would You Rather. All this and more on this week's VGS. |
Mon, 11 February 2013
PS4? Xbox 720? Who's going to be the winner? Maybe both? Probably neither. Join us as we sift through the rumors and realize that we actually agree with Gamestop on some issues... (I know, right?) Stick around as we get to emails and Rich reviews the new Devil May Cry game. All this and more on this week's rant-laiden Video Games Show! |
Sat, 9 February 2013
Back in the studio with a working digital recorder means a show gets posted! |
Wed, 23 January 2013
Hey hey! The holiday season is over and things are getting back on track! Come join us for news, user supplied reviews (courtesy of Darklight13) and more! Don't forget about the contest! More info in this all new Video Games Show!!1!eleven |