Tue, 30 August 2011
Developer Month has started early! Come join us as we talk to Ben Cook from Well Bred Rhino about his new Xbox Live Arcade game, what it took to make it and what it took to publish it. Ben sticks around as we do a rather interesting show: no news. That's right, we've had so much news that made us cringe the past few weeks that this turned into a VGS All Rant episode. We talk 3ds, Gamestop, Origin, Activision and more. Come check out the shenanigans on this week's all new Video Games Show! |
Thu, 25 August 2011
After an impromptu week off Rich and Kraft are back with plenty of news to discuss! Gamescon has come and gone, PAX Prime is right around the corner, and once again DRM is the catchphrase of the week as Ubisoft manages to offened a huge chunk of the internet. Kraft also takes some time to talk about an indie game you might want to check out: Bastion. If you have a couple of hours to waste, we invite you to waste it with us on this week's world-famous Video Games Show! |
Thu, 11 August 2011
Ahh, a magical trips episode! Rich and Kraft are back with tons of info and talk about the 3DS, the Ambassador's Club, and more! Come join us for not only the latest news, but one of Rich's iconic movie reviews as he talks about Tekken! Fun like this can only be had on the world-famous Video Games Show! |
Tue, 2 August 2011
Why do you hate us, Blizzard? We have bad news for anyone who hates drm and Blizzard is the culprit behind it. Also, the 3DS sees a MAJOR pricedrop due to a lack of sales. Actually there is a ton of interesting news this week, plus Kraft gives the 'bowchickawowow' button quite a work out. Come check it out on this week's episode of the world-famous Video Games Show! |
Mon, 1 August 2011
Thanks to Nicky B for letting us know this show didn't get posted. Apparently there was an upload error and it didn't post correctly. The good news is I fixed it. The bad news is it is a short show due to pressing outside work. The really good news is there will be a new full show tomorrow. Enjoy this belated edition of the world-famous Video Games Show! |